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Medicine: Recruitment, informed consent, and data collection

This guide is intended to assist students and researchers to find resources in Medicine

Recruitment, Informed Consent and Data Collection

The resources in the section will help you plan how to recruit, take informed consent (if your research involves human subjects) and collect data for clinical research.

E-books in UM Library

Books Available in UM Library

Online Resources

1. The following article highlights some of the challenges related to data collection in hospitals, clinics and community. Improving Data Collection across the Health Care System, AHRQ.


2. Collingridge Moore D, Payne S, Van den Block L, Ten Koppel M, Szczerbińska K, Froggatt K; PACE (Palliative Care for Older People in care and nursing homes in Europe) Consortium. Research, recruitment and observational data collection in care homes: lessons from the PACE study. BMC Res Notes. 2019 Aug 14;12(1):508. doi: 10.1186/s13104-019-4543-2. PMID: 31412910; PMCID: PMC6694478.


3. Treweek S, Pitkethly M, Cook J, Fraser C, Mitchell E, Sullivan F, Jackson C, Taskila TK, Gardner H. Strategies to improve recruitment to randomised trials. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Feb 22;2(2):MR000013. doi: 10.1002/14651858.MR000013.pub6. PMID: 29468635; PMCID: PMC7078793.


4. Rutkove SB, Qi K, Shelton K, Liss J, Berisha V, Shefner JM. ALS longitudinal studies with frequent data collection at home: study design and baseline data. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2019 Feb;20(1-2):61-67. doi: 10.1080/21678421.2018.1541095. Epub 2018 Nov 28. PMID: 30486680; PMCID: PMC6513689.


5. Suhonen R, Stolt M, Katajisto J, Leino-Kilpi H. Review of sampling, sample and data collection procedures in nursing research--An example of research on ethical climate as perceived by nurses. Scand J Caring Sci. 2015 Dec;29(4):843-58. doi: 10.1111/scs.12194. Epub 2015 Feb 16. PMID: 25688847.


6. Parkinson B, Meacock R, Sutton M, Fichera E, Mills N, Shorter GW, Treweek S, Harman NL, Brown RCH, Gillies K, Bower P. Designing and using incentives to support recruitment and retention in clinical trials: a scoping review and a checklist for design. Trials. 2019 Nov 9;20(1):624. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3710-z. PMID: 31706324; PMCID: PMC6842495.


7. Luciani M, Orr E, Campbell K, Nguyen L, Ausili D, Jack SM. How to Design a Qualitative Health Research Study. Part 2: Data Generation and Analysis Considerations. Prof Inferm. 2019 Jun-Sep;72(3):221-231. English. PMID: 31883573.


8. O'Brien R, Black P. Researching participant recruitment times. Emerg Nurse. 2015 Nov;23(7):26, 28-30. doi: 10.7748/en.23.7.26.s27. PMID: 26542924.