Becoming an Academic Writer by Patricia GoodsonCall Number: PE1408 Goo 2013
ISBN: 9781452203867
Publication Date: 2012-04-19
Becoming an Academic Writer helps you gain control over writing and publishing, master specific aspects of academic writing, and improve your productivity. Patricia Goodson′s book offers weekly exercises and tools to achieve these goals. The exercises are grounded in a theoretically-sound and empirically-based mode comprising a set of behavioural principles (e.g., writing regularly, separating generating from editing) and specific practices (weekly exercises) which ensure success. Based on the work of writing theoretician Peter Elbow, the empirical research done by Robert Boice (and others) on writing productivity of college professors, and the research into the practice patterns of elite performers (such as Olympic athletes), the principles and practices have been developed and tested over time. Inside you′ll find: Exercises tailored to specific segments of academic papers and reports Tips for ESL Writers boxes, providing additional support. This book uniquely combines these successful principles with a set of original exercises applicable to the writing needs of academics as well as students.