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Performing Arts: Home

This guide is intended to assist students and researchers find resources in Performing Arts.


Welcome to the University of Malaya Library liaison page for the subject of Performing Arts. Cultural Centre started in 1970 as the Culture Unit under the Office of Public Affairs, University of Malaya. In 1975, the Unit has been named Cultural Centre and placed under the Chancellery of the University of Malaya. Since then until 1997, Cultural Centre has been given responsibility to plan, manage and organize service activities and the promotion of arts and culture to students and staff of the University, within and off campus. The center is administered by a Director assisted by a Deputy Director with a number of cultural officials and several support staff.


Your Liaison Librarians are here to make sure that you are getting the help you need with library resources, databases, searches, training and instruction. Feel free to call us, stop by or email us ;

What we can do for you:

  • group or classroom instruction
  • individual consultations
  • research support
  • database searching assistance and instruction
  • If you have a need or concern, please let us know.  We will make sure that you receive the right recommendation and input!

We look forward to see you (whether in person or online!).

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