TRCCS Collection at UM Library:
The University of Malaya has exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Central Library (NCL), Taiwan on 13thJuly 2015. With the understanding, a Taiwan Resource Centre for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) is set up as part of its permanent collections. This resource centre is located at the East Asian Studies Library (4th floor of Za’ba Memorial Library Building). TRCCS will be the platform to promote and share Chinese studies resources. The National Central Library, Taiwan will continue to donate books to enhance TRCCS. Furthermore, they also provide access to their digital resources as well as the e-databases provided by major institutes in Taiwan. This resource centre is beneficial to the faculty, scholars and students of University of Malaya.
马来亚大学(马大)与国家图书馆(国图)于2015年7月13日签署合作备忘录。在合作备忘录架构下于马大图书馆设立「台湾汉学资源中心」。此中心设置于马大Za’ba 纪念图书馆四楼的东亚图书馆。「台湾汉学资源中心」将成为推广及分享汉学研究资源的平台。国图将会持续捐献相关书籍以丰富藏书。与此同时,国图也提供马大「台湾汉学资源中心」查询使用国图及台湾主要研究机构建置之数位资源。此中心之成立使马大师生受益良多。