How to make use of Almetrics Tools ?
Several service providers such as, ImpactStory and Plum Analytics have developed tools to capture and display various types of altmetric data. These data can then be incorporated into publishing platforms and bibliographic databases by publishers or information providers. As an individual, you can also make use of altmetric tools to identify the social impact of a publication, and to show the social impact of your publications in your author profile.
Altmetric and ImpactStory both offer free widgets that can be embedded into repositories, and ImpactStory has the further advantage that impact “badges” can be embedded into CVs. Altmetric also offers a free bookmarklet that can be added to your bookmarks and used to get altmetrics on articles with Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)s or identifiers in open databases such as PubMed Central or arXiv. Altmetrics will only work on Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Plum Analytics probably has the widest coverage of altmetrics sources, and is a paid service. Both Altmetric and Plum Analytics offer commercial tools that offer comparative and group reports.
Almetrics Tools
"Academics use to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow." Like SSRN, this is a platform for sharing research which also includes analytics. Source: |
Some analysis free, most not. Uses Elsevier's Scopus data. Includes social media (Pinterest, FB, Twitter, Google+), reference managers (Mendeley, CiteULike), blogs, mainstream media outlets (e.g., NYT as well as major non-English langauge publications), and more. Source: |
CrowdoMeter is a web service that displays tweets linking to scientific articles, and allows users to add semantic information. CrowdoMeter uses a subset of the Citation Typing Ontology (CiTO), an ontology for the characterization of citations, both factually and rhetorically. The results of this crowdsourcing effort are displayed in real-time. Source: |
ImpactStory is a Web-based application that makes it easy to track the impact of a wide range of research artifacts (such as papers, datasets, slides, research code). The system aggregates impact data from many sources, from Mendeley to GitHub to Twitter and more, and displays it in a single, permalinked report. Source: |
PaperCritic offers researchers a way of monitoring all types of feedback about their scientific work, as well as allows everyone to easily review the work of others, in a fully open and transparent environment.
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The PLoS Impact Explorer allows you to browse the conversations collected by for papers published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS). Source: |
This page lists the metrics supported by Plum. Plum X is a subscription-based product. Source: |
ReaderMeter is a mashup visualizing author-level and article-level statistics based on the consumption of scientific content by a large population of readers. Readership data is obtained via the Mendeley API. Reports are available both as HTML and in a machine-readable version as JSON and are released under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. Source: |
This is a social framework based on crowd sourced annotations of scholars, “designed to keep up with the rapidly evolving disciplinary and interdisciplinary landscape." It applies Google Scholar data to its "social tool to facilitate citation analysis and help evaluate the impact of an author's publications." Source: |
ScienceCard is a website that automatically collects metrics (citations, download counts, altmetrics) for a particular researcher. All the researcher has to do is provide a unique author identifier such as AuthorClaim or Microsoft Academic Search ID. Source: |