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This Libguides aims to:

  1. Provide references for the research community on Altmetrics.
  2. Highlight the availability of Altmetric functions provided by subscribed databases such as SCOPUS and Wiley Online Library.
  3. Encourage the interest of the research community in the usage of Altmetric (and other Research Analytics tools) in their research process and collaborations.

Almetrics Blog Update


  1. March 2018: Timing and authorship of scholarly mentions to an earth and space science journal in Wikipedia by Guest Author (2018, March 22nd)
  2. February 2018: Creating effective institutional outreach strategies using Altmetrics by Josh Clark (2018, February 21st)
  3. January 2018: Dimensions Badges: A new way to see citations by Jane Liu (2018, January 26th)


Library Analytics Toolkit - Harvard University
