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COVID-19 : Evidence Retrieval Services (CERS): About Us

This guide provides resources and information on the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) for students, researchers and clinicians at the University of Malaya

COVID-19 Evidence Retrieval Service (CERS) Team

EBM Experts


Prof Dr Ng Chirk Jenn (Coordinator)

Department of Primary Care Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, UM


Prof Dr Liew Su May (Co-Coordinator)

Department of Primary Care Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, UM


Prof Dr Choo Wan Yuen

Department of Social and Preventive Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, UM


Assoc. Prof Dr Julia Patrick Engkasan

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, UM


Prof Dr Noran Naqiah Bt Mohd Hairi

Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,

Faculty of Medicine, UM


Prof Dr Teng Cheong Lieng

     Department of Family Medicine

IMU Clinical School


Dr Ng Ka Ting

Medical Officer

Department of Anesthesiology, PPUM



Dr Ranita Hisham Shunmugam


Puan Zanaria Saupi Udin


Dr Mohd Faizal Hamzah


Puan Koh Ai Peng


Puan Zaharah Ramly

CERS Support Team


Mr Chew Wei Zhuen (Coordinator)

Medical Student

University of Glasgow, Scotland


Dr Ling Chin Jun

Medical Officer

Ministry of Health, Malaysia


CERS Libguide Policy


CERS LibGuide functions as a platform to share knowledge and information on COVID-19 based on evidence obtained from research papers and appraised by clinicians and specialists. It aims to assist clinicians, researchers and students by retrieving best available evidence regarding COVID-19.

CERS platform allows online collaboration between evidence-based medicine experts, librarians, doctors and medical students and offers new ways to engage with faculty and colleagues building stronger, more successful faculty library relationships.

Below are the guidelines :

  1. Transparency and updated list of team members and relationship to institution and not in violation of patient privacy  and confidentiality.
  2. No offensive statements about other physicians or healthcare providers.
  3. Questions are on areas of expertise, clinical topics or issues and appraised by licensed healthcare provider such as a specialist or medical doctor which is consistent with the University of Malaya’s values and professional standards.
  4. Appraisal has not been peer-reviewed and the sources cited should be checked. The views expressed in this appraisal represent the views of the authors and not of University of Malaya. Please note that views presented here are not a substitute for professional clinical advice, institutional, national or international guidelines.
  5. All questions and answers add value to improve knowledge of health related topics on COVID-19 and unravel the questions posed.

Role of Specialists and doctors - evidence found be evaluated for its validity and clinical usefulness.

Role of Librarian- formulate a well-built clinical question; Describe the levels of best evidence in the scientific literature and search for the highest level of evidence in answering clinical questions.


These questions and answers are then curated, shared and published accordingly.