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UM Library Online Databases Training Portal


Ovid- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Ovid is the exclusive online provider to this collection of over 290 medical and nursing journals published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW).
The LWW Total Access Collection is an expansive collection of all LWW journals available on the Ovid platform and that cater to your intensive medical information needs - when just a few core journals are not enough.

This prestigious collection brings you just about every one of LWW's highly respected titles, from essential core journals to specialized resources in such areas as nursing and bioscience, to help round out your knowledge base. With the Total Access Collection you get virtually all of LWW's electronic journal content - at an affordable price.

The LWW Total Access Collection caters to those institutions with more intensive medical information needs - institutions supporting many clinicians, researchers, students and teachers, all of whom require 24/7 access to a larger collection of journals. With the Total Access Collection you gain complete access to LWW content - at a price that's within reach.

There are two versions available:
  • LWW Total Access Collection with Neurology
  • LWW Total Access Collection minus Neurology

OVID Slides/Recording